I’m back! With 5 Facts about me

Me, myself, Marvel, Coffee & Co.

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple of weeks but there were so many things happening, that I didn’t find much time to work on my blog. But now I’m back and so excited to do new stuff!

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Fashion sunday: „Be here now.“(Zara & Reserved)

Long time no see, guys! I’m sorry for my lack of postings for the last few weeks, but I’ve been super busy with working on my current job, while searching for a new one at the same time and find some ways to handle the stress. But since the weather is so good this weekend we went on a walk to visit a nearby pond, taking some pictures and enjoying the sunshine – which resulted in this new post! Weiterlesen „Fashion sunday: „Be here now.“(Zara & Reserved)“

Goodbye 2016, hello 2017!

Some of my favorite moments this year…

Guys, 2016 is almost over! A part of me can’t believe it, because when I look back now it seems like time just flew so fast (imagine my shocked face as an emoji here please)…

Weiterlesen „Goodbye 2016, hello 2017!“

#FashionSunday: White meets Statement prints

The last days were quite busy, because there was work to do and I’m nearly finished with my master thesis (anxious, happy and exhausted). I literally had no time to do a #fashionfriday this week, so with a little delay – here’s the (hopefully) equally fun #fashionsunday!

Weiterlesen „#FashionSunday: White meets Statement prints“

Summer favorites: Nail polish

Besonders im Sommer ein Must-have: Nagellack. Ob in schlichtem Schwarz, feurigem Rot oder knalligem Pink – beim Nagellack ist wirklich für jeden Typ und für jeden Anlass etwas dabei.

Weiterlesen „Summer favorites: Nail polish“

Fashion Friday: Qwertee, H&M and more!

A few of my favorite pieces, hopefully the weather gets better so that I can wear them again – at the moment all you need is an umbrella…

So for #fashionfriday (the hashtag already exists out there doesn’t it?! If not I’m disappointed in the internet.) I looked through my closet and found a few of my favorite casual pieces. I love high heels etc. but at the end of the day your feet hurt (there’s a german saying for that: „Wer schön sein will, muss leiden!“) but sometimes comfortable clothes are the right option- depends on the day and the occasion of course. 😉 Weiterlesen „Fashion Friday: Qwertee, H&M and more!“